Monday, April 21, 2008

The BIG 25!!!

Today is the day my lover turns 25. What do I say about Matthew Jordon Waite other than I am the luckiest girl in the whole world. 10 reasons I'm lucky and in love.
1. I have a bit of a temper, Matt calms me down and forgives me when I act a bit absurd(this is a huge deal, not just anyone can do this).
2. He laughs at my stupid jokes most of the time.
3. He still thinks I'm beautiful, even when I don't get ready, and when my breath stinks.
4. He never leaves without saying family prayer and giving me a kiss.
5. Every Friday he takes Jayden for a couple of hours so I can have ME time.
6. He loves my crazy family.
7. He teaches me how to be kind and that sometimes the things you want to say, aren't always the best(basically to bite my tongue).
8. He is the best kisser, cuddler, and everything else 'er in the world.
9. He works so hard so that we can accomplish our goals.
10. He is sweet to me all the time, even when I don't deserve it.
These are just a few of the reasons why I love him so much. Happy Birthday Babe. Here's to many more quarters of a century.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Matt! I hope you had a great day! Matt is a great guy! (And so jealous of ME time every Friday!)

Jenn said...

Katie Brihmall! (or used to be) haha holy crap how are you girl? I havn't heard or seen from you in for forever! How are things? Your little boy is adoreable and it looks like things seem to be going well. I can't help think of all our good times at girls camp. We had so much fun! This bloggin thing is great. Well hope things are fabulas for you. Take care!

Taralee said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (A little late!!!) Believe it or not...I actually remembered it.

The McCall Family said...

Katie you have been doing a great job on your blogg. It is so fun to watch you and your family grow. I am so proud of you, you are a wonderful mom. LaSchelle