Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sweet Dreams

I have always wondered what babies dream about. Haven't you? Well on Conference Sunday, Jayden fell asleep on Matt's lap and off he went. He was laughing and smiling so I'm assuming it was a good dream. I think he was telling his brothers and sisters in heaven on what a crazy family he came to(Matt thinks I'm retarded though when I say things like that). Or maybe he was seeing thousands of coke bottles floating around and got so excited. Or maybe he was reading his favorite books, "That's not my Dinosaur" or "That's not my Train". I don't know what he was really dreaming about, but I sure wish I was there.


Tyler, Kamry, Jaxxen, Madexx and Nixxen said...

They are coming the weekend of May 3rd for the Owens baby blessing

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Jaxon won't sleep out of his crib so I never get to see him sleep! But man now I need to because that is so sweet! Did he like swimming- it looked like he loved it! Jaxon is still a little unsure about the whole thing! And den leader huh?! That is totally different than being in YW for so long in Gilbert 12th! Sorry I have never worked with little boys or in scouts (and know NOTHING!) so I don't know what intrigues them! Good luck- that would be so frustrating!

Talia said...

Hey Girl, I am so glad you found and commented on my blog!! Your family is Adorable!! Your little boy is so handsome!! SO BLOND??? Looks like you have a happy little family!! :) It was good to hear from you, it has been a long time!!