Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nonsense Really

So this post is just me venting and going on about nonsense, nothing exciting. So last Wednesday Matthew went in for surgery on his ever growing egg size hernia. He has had this thing since before his mission. We tried to get it fixed a couple years ago, but the Dr. he went to didn't think it was a big deal. It's just gotten even more annoying for him so we really wanted to get it taken care of. I wish we would've been more prepared for what his recovery was going to entail but oh well. This is my second surgery with Matt since we've been married, so I told him this is it for awhile. So I've been taking care of "two babies", the doctor's words, not mine for the past week. It's made me appreciate Matt even more for the help he is to me. Jayden has been especially clingy since going into nursery. He hasn't been sleeping, eating, and won't let me leave his side. So I've had a few melt downs feeling like a single parent but luckily I know it's only for a short time. Before Matt scheduled his surgery some of my friends and I had planned to go see the midnight showing of Twilight. Matt wanted me to still go and so luckily his sister was able to come over for a few hours and help him out. Thank you so much Christina. I needed the break so badly. So Erica Diane, Terra Marcella, Micah Marie and I all went to the show. I have been looking forward to this for a very long time. I knew the movie wasn't going to be nearly as good as the book, but I at least wanted to be entertained. For those of you who enjoyed the movie, I'm glad. I however was so disappointed. I wasn't expecting it to be that cheesy. I'm glad to say it was worth it though. I got to spend hours and hours with my friends and we got to visit. I always feel like I'm 19 but being there somehow made me feel younger and older at the same time. There were so many goo goo gaa gaa girls and it made me wonder how I would've reacted at that age to all of this Twilight business. We got to catch up and laugh and talk about Edward and other STUFF. I'm so proud of Erica because she's been reading it. So it took me a couple of days to recover from the no sleep of that night and of previous nights but I think I'm almost caught up.
Jayden is getting back on schedule and is still loving to be outside. Yesterday he was playing and comes back in the house with a pin in between his teeth. He didn't want to relinquish it but oh I got it. I was completely grossed out and worrying about any diseases he might catch. He finds the weirdest things out there.
One of the highlights of the past week though has been my knives. Since we've been married I've had these stinky knives from Walmart. After almost cutting my fingers off time and time again, we decided it was time. I hate to spend money and Matt loves to spend money so we finally came to a decision. They are no Wusthof but I really do love them.


Anonymous said...

Oh poor Matt- I hope he is getting better! I hope so for both him and you! Bring Jayden over if you need a break! Seriously! And yuck with a pin in his mouth! I don't know how they find the tiniest things! Jaxon always finds little tiny itsy bitsy things! Weird! Well hope all goes better over there!

The Hawks said...

Hey I have the same brand of knives and they say not to put them in the dishwasher cuz they will get rust spots on them and so I never did but they still got rust spots so gave up and put them in the dishwasher. They are really nice knives besides the rust spots they cut stuff so good!

Tim and Cindy Reed said...

I was dying when I read this comment! "There were so many goo goo gaa gaa girls and it made me wonder how I would've reacted at that age to all of this Twilight business." Fun times! Hopefully things calm down for you guys and life gets back to "normal." I think normal is hectic, so I can't imagine what you guys must be going through!

Terra said...

I hope things are getting back to normal for you! It's hard when you don't have your hubby to help out with the kids. I hope Matt is feeling better!