Thursday, December 3, 2009

Be Thinking

Like I said before I love my sewing machine. It's wonderful. Well someone asked me about it and so I thought I would share with you a little bit of information. My Mom found my machine for me on Ebay. She's been finding machines like this for the past few years and she either holds on to them in case she needs an extra or lets someone in need of one buy it from her(doesn't make any money on it). Just this past month she found a machine for a guy in Snowflake who was wanting one for his girlfriend. People ask my Mom because she is the expert and sews more than anyone I've ever met. She knows what to look for, and if it's a good price or not. So if you're interested in buying a sewing machine, check with my Mom or get with me and I'll put you in contact with my Mom. You don't want to buy a cheap machine that's too confusing or too frustrating or that won't actually do the things you want to do on it.
Also, my Mom gets asked to do sewing classes all the time and has taught a few semesters at NPC. I told her this next summer I want to take a sewing class from her. It will be in Snowflake so if you're interested let me know and we'll start figuring something out for probably the summer. In the past she has done it for a week or two and it's usually a couple hours a day. So for any of you Snowflakeites(sic) or Mountainites(sic) or if you still have family up there, this might be an amazing chance for you to learn from a fabulous teacher. So be thinking.


AW said...

If I lived there I'd sign up for the class! Hey we do think we'll be heading your way mid-April... we'd overlap the weekend of the 16th with Jessica and's still so far away and our babies will be so big by then :( I'm looking forward to it though!

The Family said...

Hey Katie...I'm thinking of going up to Snowflake sometime this summer...maybe I could join too...I've wanted to learn more

Micah and Aaron said...

Count me in!!! I have wanted to learn how to sew from a professional like your mom for months!!!

ashley kelepolo said...

Oh I'm thinking that this would be awesome! I would love that!

Sarah said...

I am wanting to do this if we can start now getting those interested in getting our date calendared(sp?).. I think i can get it to be in our garage since we don't have a shop anymore so start emailing Katie dates and I will do my best to get as many accomodated. I don't want the classes too large so i might have enough interest to do 2 different times or weeks. sarah