Friday, December 11, 2009

"Mom, I'm buuusssy"

I feel like I talk about Jolie but hardly mention Jayden anymore. Yes he's still alive. He has his days of where I want to ship him to Snowflake, but for the most part he's the sweetest little boy we could have ever hoped for. Where have these 2+ years gone? Everyday when he says certain things I'm just amazed at how he's not so little anymore. Like when he tells me to say "Mom, say sorry Jayden", after I push him out of the way, or when he tells me he's buuusssy, or when he tells us his poop is disgusting. Yes Jayden, you're right, it is disgusting. He's hilarious and I love him. Here are some recent pictures of our Jayden Boy.


Jessica Farmer said...

That is funny! What a cute little guy! Logan has been saying that I a lot too "I'm busy, mom" I don't know exactly where he got it from!

AW said...

Cooper is looking at your blog with me right now and was saying, "that's Jayden and that's Jayden and that's Jayden with a bow???? Was Jayden a girl????" I explained that that was a picture of baby Jolie... he wants to know when we can go see you guys!