Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wicked at Last

So for over a year now we've been planning to see Wicked. The date was set and I have waited patiently, very patiently. I've never read the book and I had listened to a few songs, but that was it(someone sang a song from it once and it kind of ruined it for me which is why I never got into it). Well a week before we went and saw the play, I went and bought the soundtrack so I could have an idea of what was going on. After dissecting what I could, I grew even more excited to see if my theories were right. As Elphie sings her first song, chills ran down my body and tears filled my eyes. It was amazing and an experience I will never forget. Every time I see something like "Lion King", "Beauty and the Beast", "Les Mis",the list could go on and on, it's almost like a spiritual experience. It makes me so grateful for the people who are so talented and it makes me envious of those people. Oh well, I'll be the mom and they can be the ones who get to entertain my mind heart and soul. I'll just say again I loved it. Thank you Sharon and Jay.

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