Saturday, May 2, 2009

He's 2

So yesterday was our sweet little boy's 2nd birthday. On Thursday we went to the zoo with Derek, Emily, and Kendra(I was so lame and forgot my camera in the car). Jayden loves being around them so much. It was a nice uncrowded day at the zoo and so it was very leisurely. Thanks so much Kendra for bringing your sweet kids and for the gift. Jayden loved it. Friday was pretty low key but I hope Jayden had fun. I took him to the splash park and he got to play and play.

Then for dinner we went to Barros because he loves pizza and he got to play some more.

Then it was home for cake and presents. Since our trip to Indiana I had been wanting to do a John Deere sort of theme. We kept his birthday small so a John Deere cake, and tractor were the stars. He loved his other presents though which always feels good. It's funny being a parent because you really don't want to spoil them because you know they don't need it, but then you just want to and sometimes can't help it. So I really tried hard this year to balance it all out. Thank you to those who called or sent gifts. It wasn't necessary but it was appreciated. I think he had a good birthday.

This is for my Sweet Jayden Monroe. Jayden you have made my life more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. I remember the day you came into the world with great fondness. It was so hard bringing you into this world, but we did it. Your Dad and Grandma Brimhall were there and they helped me get through it and kept me strong so you could come into this world and be healthy. I will never forget the feeling I got and still get when I think of that sweet experience. It was the most empowering moment I have ever felt. Even though you may not look like Daddy and me, you are ours. I remember that nose, and that head, and those funky little toes you have. You are our son and we love you more than anything. I still remember the words of your Dad's blessing. One thing I loved most is when he blessed you with a sweet spirit. I didn't realize it then, but that is so important. You have been the sweetest boy to us and to those around you. Just yesterday as we were walking and you were playing with Daddy a complete stranger made a comment on how infectious your laugh was. You have many gifts that I am so excited to see you share. You are so young but already are so caring and loving. You are one of my best friends and that is why I call you buddy. You were brought to a family who has a deep love of the gospel, and who has made many sacrifices in order to have the gospel in their life. Thank you for coming to our family and making us feel like the luckiest parents in the world. We love you so much. Happy 2nd Birthday.


Micah and Aaron said...

Happy Birthday Jayden!!! Great job on the cake Katie!!!

Tiffanie White said...

Awe Katie. He is such a cute boy. I got a little teary eyed reading your little story... I'm SO excited to be having a BOY, I can't wait to meet my little man and see what he'll be like.
I think its funny how you say he doesn't look like you guys, I bet he will end up looking just like one of you when he's older :)

svstuartfam said...

I know how you feel--wanting to try to give them everything and make their life so perfect--but knowing they don't need it--wanting to make sure they know you love them--but knowing they already do...being a parent is definately for learners and it takes practice. I have enjoyed seeing Jayden when we go to Snowflake. He played trains with McKay the other day and it was fun to see him enjoy it so much. He is vrey sweet. Happy Birthday Jayden!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jayden! He is so darn cute and I remember the day he was born. I couldn't wait to come see him and what a cute little guy he was and is. I wish we got to see him more and watch him more because he really is so fun. The cake looks great and I hope he had a great day!

AW said...

I can't believe he's two! He looks like he had a great day! I was just telling Ryan an hour ago that I'm not doing birthdays this year because I've been so out of it with this pregnancy, but I said I'm going to make sure and remember the cousins... then I looked at your blog... why was I thinking he was the end of May? Is that Jaxxen? I'll get it together for 2010:) Cheers and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from your lame aunt, uncle and cousins!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday to Jayden. Katie he is one cute little boy! It looks like he had a great birthday!

Cherie said...

So, I have to disagree with you Katie--Jayden looks like both of you. I was thinking that when I saw the first picture. I can see you and your family in him. But at the same time I can see a lot of the Waite side in him too. So cute! (and I don't think the blood relation makes me biased at all!)


Here is your lame sister who did not even call him!I'll do better. Glad you had a fun day at the zoo with Kendra and crew. I'll admit it I'm jealous. The cake is incredible! I need to take a cake class. My kids always ask for these fancy cakes and I have had a few disasters and have given up on that front. Oh what a good mom you are. Love you