Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Can't Wait

So I read Eclipse on Monday and Tuesday. A lot of people I talked to said they didn't really like this one so I didn't get my hopes up. I was not disappointed though. I did better this time reading it too. I didn't completely ignore Jayden and Matt. I kept my reading strictly to when Jayden was asleep, or when it was Father & Son time. Is anyone else out there disappointed in who they cast for Edward in the movie Twilight, or is that just me? So I'm getting really excited for Breaking Dawn.
16 Days!!!


Micah and Aaron said...

I can't wait for the 4th book either!!! Yeah, I was disappointed with who they cast as Edward in the movie until I saw the trailer. I think he will do an ok job.

AW said...

A friend of mine loaned me Twilight months and months ago. I haven't read it and it has just been sitting in my drawer gathering dust. I was going to just return it, but your little obsession you're having with your vampire characters is making me curious. Adrienne starts kindergarten next week... maybe I can find some times to read it.